Flaschenfreunde goes PSI Digital 2021

Despite difficult conditions due to the still ongoing pandemic, the exchange with our customers is enormously important for us. We will therefore not miss the opportunity this year to participate in the – unfortunately once again digital – PSI trade fair for the promotional products industry.

Be there!

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Visit us on May 19-21, 2021 at our digital booth to learn about what’s new, our products, and how Flaschenfreunde can help strengthen your brand.

You can also find out exciting details about our project, our mission, and how we want to reconcile sustainability and everyday office life.

Are you interested? Then feel free to contact us…or pay us a visit directly at our digital booth!

Here you can find more details about the PSI Digital: https://www.psi-messe.com/de/

We look forward to your visit and a lively exchange!

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