Use high quality tap water

An interesting article by Reset quotes an apt statement by American radio host/writer Garrisson Keilor:


“Bottling water and shipping it is a big waste of energy, so you better stop doing that. Water is water. If you want lemon flavor, throw in a slice of lemon. If you want bubbles, take a straw and blow.”

Hochwertige Glastrinkflasche im Flaschenfreunde-Design wird mit Leitungswasser befüllt

Why buy drinking water from the supermarket when high-quality tap water is available?

Sure, provided the quality is alright.
But fortunately, this is guaranteed here in Germany, because our tap water is strictly controlled by the Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV) to ensure that it is safe to use. In companies, too, opportunities and also incentives should be created to drink water from the tap. This is one of the reasons why we are convinced of the idea of glass drinking bottles. High-quality printed glass drinking bottles that reflect your corporate design are the ideal motivation for your employees to make increased use of this resource. It is important here that access to the line is guaranteed without any problems and that the expectation is also clearly communicated.

How is this regulated in your company?

Best regards
