Helpful tips to drink more water

Did you drank enough water today?

How often do you catch yourself doing this – the day is almost over and with all the stress you have completely forgotten to think about the most important thing.

To drink enough!

In fact, nothing stands in the way of this goal.

With the combination of our beautiful bottles and the high quality of tap water in our region, the perfect course is set.

Here are a few helpful tips from the Bottle Friends to better integrate water drinking into your daily routine:

Flaschenfreunde News

1. the early bird…

Drinking a big gulp of water right after getting up can help

to start the day refreshed.

2. creativity is required…

Our tap water is great, but sometimes it needs a little variety. By adding tea, slices of cucumber or lemon, or fruit, a drink can be super spiced up.

3. small reminders…

Notes on the desk, on the fridge, in the car…

Small reminders can be incredibly helpful,

you have enough other things to think about anyway.

4. not just at the last minute…

People often reach for water only when they are already thirsty.

But that’s too late! Because then the body already has a deficit.

So: always drink regularly throughout the day.

Just give it a try – it’s worth it!

Best regards
